Hello my name is Justin and I am a man in recovery.
My logo is something that I drew that represents me. A CROSS for my faith, the Letter “J” for my name, a HEART for love, and the SEMICOLON signifying that life continues during recovery. OUR story ISN’T over, this is a new beginning.
My artwork is a way to bring people hope and happiness. The Recovery First Clothing Line is a way to try and break the stigmas attached to recovery, and to show hope to those out there still struggling. To be an example that WE can recover from OUR struggles in life. Whatever the struggles may be. My dream is that when people see the Recovery First logo, they know that the person or place displaying it is someone or someplace they can turn to for help. That help can take the shape of several forms such as providing them with a list of meetings in their area, maybe taking them to a meeting, or providing them with a phone number for more in-depth help such as a treatment facility. Help could also be as simple as offering a listening ear. Regardless of what that help may be, the individual struggling knows when they see this logo that help is out there.